MSPB Law Week – September 8-12, 2025

Change happens in the world of Federal employee relations, and it often comes quickly. Those who succeed continuously sharpen their MSPB skills and refresh their knowledge. Those who don’t fall behind. FELTG’s MSPB Law Week provides an all-encompassing week of training that offers the most effective guidance and up-to-date information available, including OPM’s recent notice […]

EEOC Law Week – September 15-19, 2025

Let’s face it: EEO is complex. Not only do you have several different laws and the growing caselaw to keep up with, but many areas, such as contractor complaints and mixed cases, are flat out confusing as heck. The increasing reasonable accommodation requests based on religion, disability, and pregnancy and the rise in harassment complaints […]

FLRA Law Week – September 15-19, 2025

Anyone who has worked in Federal labor relations for any amount of time knows it’s an always-changing and ever-challenging field. It’s also about to become more adversarial than ever. Now is the time to make sure you labor relations skills and knowledge are updated.  So why not get that important training from two instructors with […]

Absence, Leave Abuse and Medical Issues Week – September 22-26, 2025

Whether you’re an HR professional, Employee Relations practitioner, EEO specialist, supervisor, or agency counsel, you have undoubtedly faced a leave-related challenge or two. And chances are, you may have struggled with some of the more complicated scenarios. Leave and medical issues create a complex and seemingly burdensome issue, one often laced with emotion and intersecting […]

5 Keys to Implementing and Managing a Successful Performance Demonstration Period

Every agency has employees who struggle with performance, but there is a reliable solution for addressing unacceptable performance. A successful Performance Demonstrate Period (DP) will either lead to sustained improved performance or a defensible performance-based removal or demotion. This fast-paced class guides you through the critical steps to reaching that goal. Learning objectives Create a […]

Misconduct Investigations: Get Them Right From the Start

Any effective misconduct investigation starts with a solid foundation of the law and an understanding of the full scope of your investigation. This class explains the principles that underpin a successful investigation of Federal employee misconduct, including harassment.  You’ll leave with guidance on developing the investigation, from creating a plan to determining who to interview […]

Bad Detective: The Mistakes That Hamper Agency Investigations

There are numerous examples of investigations that have gone awry. It could be an investigator’s failure to interview certain witnesses, a failure to take a complainant’s statement into account, or, perhaps, an action, such as a widely shared email, that shows a lack of objectivity. This course will provide guidance on how to conduct a […]

Federal Labor-Management Relations: Working Together to Safeguard the Public Interest

Why are labor-management relations perpetually adversarial? Are agencies and unions supposed to be working together, or against each other?  How can both sides get along better, as Congress intended? The Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute says collective bargaining “safeguards the public interest,” “contributes to the effective conduct of public business,” and “facilitates and encourages the […]

What’s the Difference Between a Formal Discussion and a Weingarten Meeting?

This course will discuss when the law requires you to provide the union an opportunity to be involved in agency meetings with employees, focusing on the requirements for a meeting to be considered a formal discussion. It will also explore the union’s rights and responsibilities when it comes to meetings, identify how and when a […]

Workplace Investigations: Successfully Interviewing Witnesses With Mental and Behavioral Health Conditions

The most difficult and unpredictable part of the workplace investigation – conducting the interview – can be especially challenging when the witness has a behavioral or mental health condition, or violent tendencies. This course will explain temperament traits and personality disorders and provide a road map to help you understand how to get the information you need […]

The Civil Civil Servant: Protections, Performance, and Conduct

This class provides attendees with a full understanding of their rights and responsibilities as Federal employees. Employees will learn about the merit system principles, EEO, whistleblower, and retaliation protections, as well as what will happen if their performance becomes an issue. The course will also educate employees on the various elements of discipline and numerous […]