The High-performing Team

Does your agency or organization rely on teams to get mission-critical work accomplished? Then invest in this training that helps teams leverage individual personality types and strengths to promote accurate communication, diminish unhealthy conflict, and increase individual and collective performance. The High-performing Team includes assessments, relevant articles and videos, real-life simulations, and practical suggestions for […]

Mindset Matters: Making the Transition from Individual Contributor to Supervisor

Receiving a promotion is a career highlight. However, if that promotion means you’re now supervising your former coworkers, then it also means you’re about to navigate the trickiest part of your career. This course is perfect those who have been promoted, or hope to be promoted at some point, and will cover the following competencies: […]

Understanding Reasonable Accommodation for Disabilities

This course will provide employees with answers to their most perplexing questions about reasonable accommodation. They’ll leave with a firm grasp on the how and why of agency reasonable accommodation decisions. The law under the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act and its Amendments Act will be explained in easy-to-understand nonlegal terms and […]

Preventing Workplace Harassment

In recent years, harassment in the workplace has become more public than ever before. And when left unaddressed, it’s one of the top reasons agencies lose good employees. This course will provide employees with a basic grasp of workplace harassment law, and most importantly, what they should do when they are either a victim of […]

Mandatory Permissive Bargaining: What Does That Really Mean?

Executive Order 14003 rescinded limitations on collective bargaining and instructed agency leaders that they “shall elect to negotiate over the subjects set forth in 5 USC 7106(b)(1) and shall instruct subordinates to do the same.” How should this be interpreted? Shall seems to be the critical word here.  In this training, we’ll answer the following questions: […]

The Role of the Douglas Factors in Arbitration

Did you know that an arbitrator, much like a Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) judge, has the authority to mitigate a penalty if it is outside the bounds of reasonableness? This session will explain how the Douglas Factors came about and provide a detailed look at the role those factors play in the arbitration process. Learning objectives Identify all […]

Who’s In, Who’s Out? Understanding Bargaining Unit Exclusions

The Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute defines the types of positions that must be excluded from the bargaining units (BUs). But in the modern workforce, those definitions aren’t always entirely clear. This course will take you through how to identify the applicable statutory provisions, and to provide practical and specific examples of how particular positions […]

Preparing to Bargain

Whether you’re currently preparing to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, or if it’s a year down the road, now is always the best time to ensure that you’re ready for anything.  This training will provide you with key strategies and guidance to ensure you are well-equipped to begin negotiations and have a plan to successfully […]

Handling Union Requests for Information

Just about every Federal Labor Relations professional has dealt with a union request for information, but they may not have handled it correctly. This training will help anyone dealing with an information request to ensure the agency provides information that it owes the union, but also ensure that the union has established a particularized need.  […]

Labor Relations: Understanding Management and Employee Rights

Working in Labor Relations requires a firm foundation of the statute, historical perspective, and FLRA decisions, plus an understanding of agency and union rights and responsibilities. Whether you’re new to Labor Relations or looking for a refresher, this class will provide an overview of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute with a focus on management […]

Labor Relations: Understanding Unfair Labor Practices and Negotiability

5 U.S.C. § 7116(a) lists eight agency ULPs and 5 U.S.C. § 7116(b) lists eight labor organization ULPs, which will be covered in full detail during this class. This training will also include a discussion of employee rights vs. management rights, an overview of the Federal Service Impasses Panel, and negotiability appeals. Learning objectives Discuss […]

Fundamentals of Federal Labor Relations: Nuts and Bolts

Do you have someone on your staff who is working with unions for the first time? Do you have seasoned LR/ER practitioners looking for a refresher? Did employees in your organization recently organize and form a union or change unions? This course will bring you immediately up to speed on the world of Federal Labor […]